3 minute read
This was a nice little challenge from sCTF 2016. I’m trying to work on more tricky stuff, but this one looked like fun and I couldn’t resist.
Welcome to Verticode, the new method of translating text into vertical codes.
This was a nice little challenge from sCTF 2016. I’m trying to work on more tricky stuff, but this one looked like fun and I couldn’t resist.
Welcome to Verticode, the new method of translating text into vertical codes.
I only managed one task in the 2016 VolgaCTF, but it was a fun one. Coding a tic tac toe bot.
Tic-Tac-Toe An important step towards the strong AI is the ability of an artificial agent to solve a well-defined problem. A project by the name 'tic-tac-toe' was one of such test problems. It's still up... nc tic-tac-toe.2016.volgactf.ru 45679
File Checker (rev60)
My friend sent me this file. He told that if I manage to reverse it, I’ll have access to all his devices. My misfortune that I don’t know anything about reversing :/
FlagStore (exp70)
Here’s the ultimate flag store. Store and retrieve your flags whenever you want.
It’s Prime Time! (code60)
Description: We all know that prime numbers are quite important in cryptography. Can you help me to find some?
Running netcat against the address gave the following output:
> nc 11059 Hi, you know that prime numbers are important, don't you? Help me calculating the next prime! Level 1.: Find the next prime number after 5:
I haven’t done much work with Ruby, but this little challenge from the Internetwache CTF looked interesting.
Ruby’s count (exp50)
Description: Hi, my name is Ruby. I like converting characters into ascii values and then calculating the sum.
The first thing to do was to poke the service using netcat:
> nc 12037 Let me count the ascii values of 10 characters: > 123 WRONG!!!! Only 10 characters matching /^[a-f]{10}$/ !
A nice little Stego challenge from SharifCTF
We have hidden a message in png file using jar file. Flag is hidden message. Flag is in this format: SharifCTF{flag}
Extracting the supplied tar.gz archive provided a PNG image:
Also included was Hide.jar, the Java code used to embed the flag in the image.