Codehead's Corner
Random ramblings on hacking, coding, fighting with infrastructure and general tech
Posted: 4 Mar 2019 by Codehead
6 minute read

I’ve been out of the CTF circuit for a while as I’ve been busy with work and life in general. However, I decided to get back into playing and TAMUCTF just happened to be running when I found some spare time.

I wanted to to do a quick write up to draw people’s attention to CyberChef. This is a tool developed by the folks at GCHQ, the UK’s communication intelligence and security agency.

CyberChef is incredibly useful for messing around with data in a visual manner. Sometimes you don’t have a Linux box or Python handy when you’re trying to solve a problem. However, if you have a browser, you can use CyberChef from just about anywhere.

Here’s a couple of solves from TAMUCTF’s easier crypto challenges as a demo:

Categories: Hacking CTF
Posted: 19 Feb 2018 by Codehead
3 minute read


Easy and Peasy

nc 8003

Europe: nc 8003

Like many of the EvlzCTF challenges, this one was a little light on detail, but good fun to complete.

Categories: Hacking CTF
Posted: 8 Oct 2017 by Codehead
2 minute read

A pretty simple crypto challenge, but the technique is applicable to more complex problems.


The smart home system has the function of remote monitoring of what is happening in the home and every few minutes sends pictures of the surveillance cameras to the owner of the house. You successfully intercepted the network traffic of this system, however, its creators took care of the security of their users data and encrypted the pictures. Decrypt the provided image and you will find the flag.


Categories: Hacking CTF
Posted: 17 Apr 2016 by Codehead
2 minute read


Welcome to Vertinet.

This problem follows the same specifications as the previous Verticode problem, except that you have to solve many of them by developing a client to communicate with the server available at Good luck.

Categories: Hacking CTF
Posted: 17 Apr 2016 by Codehead
3 minute read

This was a nice little challenge from sCTF 2016. I’m trying to work on more tricky stuff, but this one looked like fun and I couldn’t resist.


Welcome to Verticode, the new method of translating text into vertical codes.

Categories: Hacking CTF
Posted: 26 Oct 2015 by Codehead
2 minute read

Due to work commitments, I didn’t get to spend too much time on this CTF which was a shame because they put out some nice challenges. Here are the ones I did get to have a crack at:

Categories: CTF Hacking
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